Time’s up!

The 36 hours are finally over and our teams have done amazingly well.

The Pudding Squad, Zara and Luke, managed to road trip it all the way to Nantes, France!!

They’re now headed back to the UK after generously being given flight tickets home so keep an eye out for them on the motorway!


And the Rebellious Rogues, Shanice and Abbie, are still in Reykjavik, Iceland. They’ve managed to snag some tickets for a trip to see the Northern Lights tonight, making for a truly memorable adventure!

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Well done to both teams – you have done Enactus NTU proud!!

Thank you to everyone who has helped them on their journeys, providing shelter, food and company on the way.

To keep up to date with the teams on their way home like Enactus NTU on Facebook and follow the Rebellious Rogues on Instagram.

Who knows where our teams will end up! Click here to donate and find out more about what Enactus NTU does.

3 hours left

The teams are nearing the deadline to get as far away from campus as possible and its safe to say we are excited to hear all about their adventures!

The Rebellious Rogues, Abbie and Shanice, are living it up in Reykjavik, Iceland exploring and fundraising in the snow.


Meanwhile the Pudding Squad, Luke and Zara, are in the South of France and we can’t wait to hear about what they have been up to!

To keep up to date with the teams like Enactus NTU on Facebook and follow the Rebellious Rogues on Instagram.

Who knows where our teams will end up! Click here to donate and find out more about what Enactus NTU does.

A new day!

It’s a new day and our teams are still going!

The Rebellious Rogues, Abbie and Shanice, spent the night in Reykjavik, Iceland. Big thanks to Parks Inn for letting them stay for free! The girls are now back at the airport, using their persuasion skills to hopefully get them elsewhere!


Look at that snow!!

Meanwhile, the Pudding Squad, Zara and Luke, are in France after spending the night in a cabin generously gifted to them by Brittany Ferries!


To keep up to date with the teams like Enactus NTU on Facebook and follow the Rebellious Rogues on Instagram.

Who knows where our teams will end up! Click here to donate and find out more about what Enactus NTU does.

24 hours to go!

Our Enactus teams are almost halfway now and reaching some impressive places!

The Pudding Squad, Luke and Zara, have managed to snag some ferry tickets and are on their way to France!


Whilst the Rebellious Rogues, Abbie and Shanice, have landed in Iceland! Lets hope they have their thermals on, it looks pretty chilly!



To keep up to date with the teams like Enactus NTU on Facebook and follow the Rebellious Rogues on Instagram.

Who knows where our teams will end up! Click here to donate and find out more about what Enactus NTU does.

9 hours down, 27 to go…

The teams are now well on their way with 27 hours left to get as far away from Nottingham as possible!

The Rebellious Rogues, Abbie and Shanice, have managed to secure flights from Luton to a mystery destination.


Meanwhile, the Pudding Squad, Luke and Zara, are in Portsmouth, attempting to persuade the public to help them cross the channel. Big thanks to Richard and Molly the dog for giving them a lift down!


To keep up to date with the teams like Enactus NTU on Facebook and follow the Rebellious Rogues on Instagram.

Who knows where our teams will end up! Click here to donate and find out more about what Enactus NTU does.


It begins

Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 12.23.21.pngThe teams are less than 5 hours in and are already crossing the country. Luke and Zara of Pudding Squad are 86 miles away, on their way to London where possibilities abound. Meanwhile, Abbie and Shanice, our Rebellious Rogues, are at Luton Airport with a trick up their sleeves. Where will our teams end up?

To keep up to date with the teams, like EnactusNTU on Facebook and follow the Rebellious Rogues on Instagram.

Click here to donate and find out more about the work Enactus does

Teams: Update

Due to unfortunate circumstances, one of the teams has had to pull out of this weekends fundraising adventure.

“A Pair of Peaches” will no longer be taking part but we commend them for their efforts so far. Hopefully they continue the great fundraising and support for the other participating teams.


Each team have been hitting social media to try and get as much fundraising as they can! With 3 days to go… the teams have raised over £400 in online donations and quite a bit more from offline donations for our 3 projects!


Teams are still looking for sponsorship from Corporate Sponsors and Airlines to try and secure travel tickets as far away from Nottingham as possible! If you think you can help… please get in contact with our CRE via FB or LinkedIn.



Who are EnactusNTU?

EnactusNTU are a team of students at Nottingham Trent University who run social projects using entrepreneurial talent to positively impact lives and empower individuals.

Over recent years, EnactusNTU have been running a number of successful social projects which have impacted lives and empowered people both in the local community and internationally.

With the efforts of our incredibly incredibly hardworking team, we are currently running 3 social enterprise projects: CORE, SEED and ARC. These projects work to improve the lives of sexually abused women, refugees and impoverished communities in Africa. To find out more about these projects, please head over to our website! http://enactusntu.co.uk/what-we-do/

Our fundraising begins!

With less than two weeks until we jailbreak we are starting to get some momentum behind our fundraising… All donations will go towards our amazing social enterprise projects and it would be great if we could get your support!

Want to help us on our journeys? We’re looking for any free form of travel to get as far away as possible! That includes car rides, train tickets and coach journeys and if you’re feeling extra generous… flight tickets! If you think you would be able to help any of our teams then please get in touch with us!

For any online donations… please head to: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/enactusntu-jailbreak-2017